Episode 99
The Body-Mind Connection: New Ways to Redefine Personal Power
We have spent the month of April looking at the importance of caring for ourselves in challenging times. In this recording, I have the opportunity to have a great conversation with Cheryl Whitelaw, a functional movement specialist and CEO of Peace and Power Movement Services. Cheryl shares her insightful journey through personal growth and development, especially reflecting on her experiences with divorce and how they acted as a catalyst for her exploration into the integral role of the body in handling life's challenges.
She reveals how understanding and harnessing the body's response to stress and utilizing functional movement can transform and empower us, especially during difficult transitions like divorce. Join us as we discuss the importance of being kind to our body and treating it as a close ally, which can be our greatest tool in navigating the storms of life. So tune in, get comfortable, and let's explore these transformational perspectives with Cheryl Whitelaw.
About the Guest:
Cheryl Whitelaw is a Functional Movement Specialist and CEO of Peace and Power Movement Services Inc. She supports her clients to learn through their movement so they can function well in all the verbs that make life worth living. She has lived through 2 divorces, each time finding a new level of personal power and self-acceptance. She calls her approach, "Kind Power" to cultivate somatic intelligence and personal empowerment from the inside out. Cheryl is a certified Feldenkrais practitioner, Integral Master Coach ™ and Being in Movement practitioner ™. She trains Aikido and is preparing for her black belt test in 2024.
For Cheryl's Free Gift: Movement Wellness Quiz
To connect with Cheryl:
Webiste: https://www.peaceandpower.ca/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPGbKXBhyvnriYd-8Zd8ixQ
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/cherylwhitelaw/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/yourkindofpower
IG: https://www.instagram.com/cherylkindpower/
About the Host:
Mardi Winder-Adams is an ICF and BCC Executive and Leadership Coach, Certified Divorce Transition Coach, Certified Divorce Specialist (CDS®) and a Credentialed Distinguished Mediator in Texas. She has worked with women in executive, entrepreneur, and leadership roles, navigating personal, life, and professional transitions. She is the founder of Positive Communication Systems, LLC, and host of Real Divorce Talks, a quarterly series designed to provide education and inspiration to women at all stages of divorce.
Are you interested in learning more about your divorce priorities? Take the quiz "The Divorce Stress Test".
Connect with Mardi on Social Media:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Divorcecoach4women
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mardiwinderadams/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/divorcecoach4women/
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