Episode 127
Considerations For Pets During Divorce
As a dog owner and pet lover, I understand how challenging it can be to determine pet custody in divorce cases. In today's episode, we discuss topic that's often overlooked yet profoundly impactful in the realm of divorce—pet custody. Our special guest, Karis Nafte, calling in from South Africa, is not only a seasoned dog behavior consultant but also the owner of "Who Keeps the Dog Pet Custody Mediation." With over 20 years of experience, Karis has seen firsthand the stress and unhappiness pets can experience during and after a breakup.
Join us as we discuss and explore the unique needs of different dog breeds, the signs of stress in pets during divorce, and the critical considerations for pet custody arrangements. We’ll also discuss how pets can become emotional pawns in domestic disputes and the importance of early, thoughtful mediation to ensure the well-being of our furry friends.
Whether you're navigating a divorce or interested in the dynamics of pet custody, this episode provides compassionate, practical guidance to help you make the best decisions for your pets at a difficult point in time.
About the Guest:
Karis Nafte is the founder and owner of Who Keeps the Dog, Pet Custody Mediation. A Certified Dog Behaviour Consultant & Accredited Family Mediator, she brings 25 years professional experience as a dog behaviour expert into the world of dogs and divorce. A global pioneer in her work, Karis has developed, and teaches, the first accredited pet care education course for divorce professionals to learn best practice for a dogs best interest. A passionate and engaging speaker with a unique background in the world of families divorcing with pets, Karis has presented on the subject pet custody for the American Bar Association, the Association of Professional Family Mediators, The South Africa Association of Mediators, the Kentucky Bar Association and International Mediation Week. Her work has been featured in the Associated Press, Scripps News, The New York Post, VICE News, ABC News and Australian Dog Lover Magazine.
To connect with Karis:
Website: https://www.whokeepsthedog.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karis-nafte-cdbc-b4b9b81a6/
IG: @whokeepsthedog
About the Host:
Mardi Winder-Adams is an ICF and BCC Executive and Leadership Coach, Certified Divorce Transition Coach, Certified Divorce Specialist (CDS®) and a Credentialed Distinguished Mediator in Texas. She has worked with women in executive, entrepreneur, and leadership roles, navigating personal, life, and professional transitions. She is the founder of Positive Communication Systems, LLC, and host of Real Divorce Talks, a quarterly series designed to provide education and inspiration to women at all stages of divorce.
Are you interested in learning more about your divorce priorities? Take the quiz "The Divorce Stress Test".
Connect with Mardi on Social Media:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Divorcecoach4women
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mardiwinderadams/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/divorcecoach4women/
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