Episode 65
Building an Effective Online Presence: Angela Hall's Expertise In Website Development And Digital Automation
Have you always wanted to do business online but found the technology bogged you down and drained all the joy and enthusiasm out of the opportunity? Listen in, help is on the way!
On today's episode, we have a special guest, Angela Hall, the founder of That Helpful Chick. Angela specializes in helping entrepreneurs and business owners with all things technical, from website development and membership sites to CRM email services and payment processors.
She understands the challenges and frustrations that come with navigating the digital landscape, and her mission is to make the complicated simple for her clients. In this episode, Angela shares the biggest obstacles entrepreneurs face when starting their online presence, the importance of automation, and the need for reaching out for expertise to make the process simple and easy.
Three takeaways Angela provides include:
1. Overcoming technical challenges: Many entrepreneurs struggle with the technical aspects of their business, such as website management, CRM, and video editing. It's crucial to find the right resources and support to turn these challenges into opportunities for growth.
2. The power of automation: Automation can save you time and allow you to focus on revenue-generating activities. Make use of tools and systems to automate lead generation, follow-ups, and other routine tasks. This will help you streamline your processes and improve conversions.
3. Optimizing website performance: Your website's load time plays a significant role in user experience and conversions. Educate yourself about the importance of image file sizes and dimensions to ensure your website loads quickly on both desktop and mobile devices. Remember, if your website doesn't load promptly, visitors may move on to your competitors.
Stay tuned as Angela shares her expertise and sheds light on common misunderstandings in the world of digital entrepreneurship. This episode is packed with valuable insights and practical tips for anyone looking to enhance their online presence.
About the Guest:
Angela Hall is the CEO of That Helpful Chick, a Virtual Assistant and Technology Services Company. She and her team of techies love serving established entrepreneurs and small businesses with website design, updates, CRMs, automation, funnels, marketing, and more.
Angela and her team use practical and pragmatic approaches to solving their customers' challenges for maximum efficiency and profit. She has a passion for discovering and mastering new software, she always has the latest and greatest tools and resources.
To connect with Angela:
Website: https://ThatHelpfulChick.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AngelaHelpfulChick
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thathelpfulchick
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thathelpfulchick/
About the Host:
Mardi Winder-Adams is an ICF and BCC Executive and Leadership Coach, Certified Divorce Transition Coach, and a Credentialed Distinguished Mediator in Texas. She has worked with women in executive, entrepreneur, and leadership roles navigating personal, life, and professional transitions. She is the founder of Positive Communication Systems, LLC.
Are you interested in learning more about your divorce priorities? Take the quiz "Find Out Your #1 Priority to Cut Through the Fog of Divorce".
Connect with Mardi on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Divorcecoach4women
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mardiwinderadams/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/divorcecoach4women/
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